Treating fruit trees in spring and summer: Harvesting healthy fruit

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Fruit trees, such as apple, peach, and cherry trees, provide us with delicious fruits that we enjoy throughout the year. However, to obtain an abundant and high-quality harvest, it is crucial to carry out proper treatment during the spring and summer seasons. At Iqv Agro, we provide you with a treatment calendar and advice for the care of fruit trees, including the application of copper sulfate, fungicides, insecticides, and other essential practices.

Fruit tree treatment calendar: guide for a good harvest

To obtain an abundant and high-quality harvest, it is essential to follow an appropriate treatment calendar.

Spring: Flowering and prevention period

Spring marks the beginning of the growth cycle for fruit trees. During this season, it is essential to apply preventive treatments to protect trees from diseases and pests. Copper sulfate is a valuable tool for preventing fungal diseases, such as peach leaf curl and apple scab. It should be applied before the trees bloom, following the specific treatment schedule for each type of fruit tree.

Summer: Fighting pests and diseases

Summer is a critical period for pest and disease control in fruit trees. The olive fruit fly can be a threat during this season, and specific insecticides should be applied according to the treatment schedule. Additionally, it is important to watch for peach and apple diseases, such as powdery mildew and scab, and apply fungicides if necessary.

Pruning and additional care

Pruning fruit trees is an essential practice in winter, but it can also be done in spring. Proper pruning helps remove diseased or dead branches, promotes good air circulation, and improves sunlight exposure, which favors the development of healthy fruits.

In addition to chemical treatments, it is important to consider ecological and biological control approaches to pest and disease management. These more natural methods contribute to the long-term ecology and health of fruit trees and their environment.

Nutrition and soil: Keys to the health of fruit trees

The health of fruit trees depends not only on phytosanitary treatments but also on adequate nutrition and healthy soil. The application of specific fertilizers provides the trees with the nutrients needed for their growth and development. Monitoring soil conditions and ensuring proper water supply are equally important to ensure nutrient absorption.


Treating fruit trees in spring and summer is essential to ensure an abundant and healthy harvest. By following the treatment calendar we provide at Iqv Agro, applying copper sulfate, fungicides, and insecticides when necessary, and paying attention to pruning and soil care, you can achieve tasty and healthy fruits. The balance between agriculture and nature is key to reaping the benefits of fruit trees.
